Modern-day Farming Technologies

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Irrigation or Farming Apps

One of the most important jobs of a farmer is to make sure that he uses the water he has judiciously (especially if rain is not in the forecast). A new set of smartphone apps called SmartIrrigation are aimed at helping cotton, strawberry and citrus farmers manage the water they use on their crops by taking into account local weather conditions.
Smart irrigation systems can optimize water levels based on things such as soil moisture and weather predictions. This is done with wireless moisture sensors that communicate with the smart irrigation controls and help inform the system whether or not the landscape is in need of water.

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Modern Machinery

The modern farm machinery has upgraded the agricultural industry for the best. Some of the essential and most used machinery are Combine or Combine Harvester, Rotavator or Rotary Tiller, Plough or Plow, Tractor Trailer, Power Harrow, Leveler, water bowser, ripper machine, and disc harrow. mechanised agriculture includes the use of tractors, trucks, combine harvesters, countless types of farm implements, aeroplanes and helicopters (for aerial application), and other vehicles By utilizing mechanical power in agriculture leads to reduce animal power so that raring of animals is not required and utilization of fodder area can be used to grow crops for producing food for human consumption.

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Nitrogen Sensors

Sensing technology applied to agriculture is based on the typical light reflectance curve for vegetation. N-Sensor measures light reflectance at specific wave bands related to the crop's chlorophyll content and biomass. It calculates the actual N-uptake of the crop. Optimum application rates are derived from the N-uptake data and sent to the controller of the variable rate spreader or sprayer, which will adjust fertiliser rates accordingly.

N-Sensor use advantages:

  1. Bring the optimal fertiliser rate in every part of the field
  2. Increase fertiliser efficiency
  3. Decrease nitrogen residues in soils post harvest
  4. Increase yield
  5. Reduce harvesting time and cost
  6. Reduce risk of nitrogen losses to the environment

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Improvement Percentage

Without using modern farming technology:

Rate 68%

Using modern Farming Technology:

New Rate 97%

If you want to learn more about modern technology in farming: Click here

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